
Friday, April 29, 2011

A Morning With Laela

Ashton got to spend a morning his good buddy Laela today. All morning he walked around the house saying "Laela, Laela, Laela" until we finally left. We decided to make the most of the sun showing its beautiful face by heading to Milford beach and the two toddlers had a blast!

Going exploring from one thing to the next, it was as if I wasn't even there. I was basically a limb to help them up, or a hand to push them on the swing, or the person to give them some different tools for exploring with.
The park was their oyster... They sat on the swings next to each other and giggled and sang, or just watched the world pass them by. The kicked the ball all over the field, chasing each other and all the dogs backwards and forwards. They shared flowers with each other and climbed trees, compared sticks and rolled in the grass. They built sand castles together, and helped fill up each others buckets, they discovered buried shells and watched big kids run up and down the beach.
It was an absolute pleasure to sit back and watch them explore their world, while I got to do my little hobby and snap endless pictures of them as they went!

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