
Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Hello Papa

Ashton loves his Papa and he loves my lap top! He is always walking around our house saying "Hello Papa" pretending to talk to him on the phone, and he is always trying to type on my lap top. So today I decided instead of telling Ashton to stop again, I thought I would combine these two interests and let Ashton send his Papa an E-mail!

He was soooo excited when I let him have the computer to himself. He had to sit up with it on his lap, just like mummy and I wasn't allowed to help him.

When i asked Ashton what he was writing he said "Hello Papa" this was the rest of his e-mail.

And this was the reply Ashton got from Papa! Ashton thought it was pretty cool. He kept saying "oooh ooh aah ah"
Technology in action!

1 comment:

  1. Awwwwwwwwwwwwww!!! That is soooo special!! What a cute email! And what a fantastic reply!!!
