
Saturday, April 30, 2011

Ashton's First Hair Cut

We finally took the plunge and Ashton had his first hair cut over the weekend. Although both Kris and I were reluctant to have all of Ashton's beautiful curls cut off it was getting very long and it had to happen at some point! So, Aunty Sian was called upon to do the cut and although he was a little unsure about the whole process, as long as he had something to eat he was really good about the whole thing!

Before... And isn't he soooo cute!
The first snip!
Not too impressed with the whole concept.
And... AFTER! What a handsome wee fella!
Back!... All the curly's gone!
It's amazing how a little hair cut can make them look so much older! He's still just as cute!

Friday, April 29, 2011

A Morning With Laela

Ashton got to spend a morning his good buddy Laela today. All morning he walked around the house saying "Laela, Laela, Laela" until we finally left. We decided to make the most of the sun showing its beautiful face by heading to Milford beach and the two toddlers had a blast!

Going exploring from one thing to the next, it was as if I wasn't even there. I was basically a limb to help them up, or a hand to push them on the swing, or the person to give them some different tools for exploring with.
The park was their oyster... They sat on the swings next to each other and giggled and sang, or just watched the world pass them by. The kicked the ball all over the field, chasing each other and all the dogs backwards and forwards. They shared flowers with each other and climbed trees, compared sticks and rolled in the grass. They built sand castles together, and helped fill up each others buckets, they discovered buried shells and watched big kids run up and down the beach.
It was an absolute pleasure to sit back and watch them explore their world, while I got to do my little hobby and snap endless pictures of them as they went!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Polkadotty Mum

Part of being a Polkadotty Mum means that I do things that are Polkadotty... not only in a fun sense, but also in an entertaining sense too. Over the last couple of weeks we have been rehearsing rather intensely to try and get our show up to scratch and looking fabulous for the 10 performances we will do for the Royal Easter Show THIS WEEK!!!
My body feels shot... But the show is looking great and I can't wait to get up there and get into real Polkadotty Action. These are the photos from our rehearsals!
Always exciting when we all end up doing the same move! Wahoo!
I'm obviously very in character in this shot! Koopa intrigued with the fact that I'm a tiger!
The ever so popular skeletons are BAAACK!
Go Dooby, Go Dooby! Go Go Go Dooby!!!
Funny story... My foot got stuck in my skirt coming out of this spin! Was very nearly, very tragic! managed to pull it off though! bahaha.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

My Nursery Boy

My little man is now 18 months! So his nursery chapter begins! I love seeing him playing in there with all his friends and starting to learn about things and do things that just make him seem so grown up. Here are some photos of his first official day in Nursery.

Playdough Time!
Nursery Buddies - Ashton & Laela
Ashton's Nursery Friends
Emma, Laela, Noah, Kason, Mahonri, Jai & Annalise
Lesson time!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Peek-a-boo Storage Bags

I DID IT!!! I got the sewing machine off mum and I dusted off my sewing skills and managed to make one of these fantastic Peek-a-boo bags for storing some of Ashton's toys in. I won't say it was easy, but it is definitely a project I will tackle again to make more! I love that I can get more organised with Ashton's toys now! and I love it when everything has a place! Ashton loves going into the bags and taking all the toys out of them and resorting them too! Fun for everyone!
P.S. - I got the pattern of this fabulous blog! ( And there are heaps more patterns and ideas of other sewing projects that I want to give a go too... but I'm happy to start here and work my way through!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Day at the Skate Park

Ashton and I got to have a play date with our friends Jane and Darcy at the Glenfield Skate Park today and we had such an awesome time! The boys just loved being able to ride their bikes all over the place, going up and down the little ramps and hills. We got to use our DIY Stop and Go sign to have races (which Ashton has been putting to good use running around the house yelling "STOP" and "GO".)

After a little picnic in the park the boys discovered that they could roll their balls down the ramps as well. They loved walking them up to they top and then chasing them down to the bottom. Then in between playing on the skate ramps they played on the playground, watched the men cutting down trees and played on the free exercise equipment around the park! We just had a couple of hours of endless fun and a good chat session for Jane and I!

Look at the stunning home made Stop and Go sign!

All in all... a good time had by all!

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Feijoa Bliss

We finally got to go and pick our first loot from our Feijoa tree today! I called out to Ashton, "Buddy, we have Feijoa's bring me your bucket!" He quickly jumped up and tried to get over to me, trying to figure out what all the excitement was about! ha ha.

Half way to him getting to me though, I decided that we needed to eat some Feijoa's under the tree so that he could see where these delicious little bundles come from. He helped me collect them all up and then we sat and enjoyed! MMMM Yum Yum! And there are still heaps more to collect in the days to come!

Saturday, April 9, 2011

APO for Kids Concert

Ashton and I were able to attend the Auckland Philharmonic Orchestra for Kids Concert today and listen to all of the different instruments in action! Each child received little white straw when they arrived that was to be used as their baton and were encouraged to help conduct the orchestra throughout the show. They played lots of well known children's songs as well, as some fun classical pieces. The introduced all of the different sections of the Orchestra and got the children up dancing and singing along throughout the show! It was lots of fun and although Ashton was rather tired by the end of it, I think he rather enjoyed himself!

At the end of the show we got to walk through the orchestra and see all of the instruments being played up close! Very cool!

Everyone with the crazy composer!

Friday, April 8, 2011


Ashton was very lucky to be given a very cool house warming gift from his Friends Darcy and Jane, in the form of a Car Shoot. It is such a simple concept, but it is the most played with toy in our house and is not only a favourite with Ashton, but with all his friends and cousins too!
I think it might be made from a fabric roll, with little sections cut out down the tube. This little openings are great for the child being able to view the car or ball (As Ashton loves to use) roll down and see it in action... it kind of keeps their interest being able to see it the whole time.
Darcy made Ashton's shoot really cool by simply covering it in stickers... you could paint it as well if wanted?
As you can see Ashton likes to use the shoot to race all sorts of objects down it, and it has been great for him to explore size as well, as he figures out what objects can fit and which ones can't because they're too big or the wrong shape. If he finds it doesn't fit he says "OH NO!"
Love this simple toy... thanks Jane and Darcy for the hours of fun and learning!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Hello Papa

Ashton loves his Papa and he loves my lap top! He is always walking around our house saying "Hello Papa" pretending to talk to him on the phone, and he is always trying to type on my lap top. So today I decided instead of telling Ashton to stop again, I thought I would combine these two interests and let Ashton send his Papa an E-mail!

He was soooo excited when I let him have the computer to himself. He had to sit up with it on his lap, just like mummy and I wasn't allowed to help him.

When i asked Ashton what he was writing he said "Hello Papa" this was the rest of his e-mail.

And this was the reply Ashton got from Papa! Ashton thought it was pretty cool. He kept saying "oooh ooh aah ah"
Technology in action!

My Big Boy

It has happened soo quickly! It seems like, over night my baby has turned into a big independent boy! As many parents probably feel, there is sadness and excitement for me with this... but I'm going to dwell on the excitement.

I have decided it is time to get rid of the baby bag and start using my own hand bag again. So, this ment that Ashton needed his own little bag. We found a little back pack packed away in the wardrobe and filled it with Ashton's bits and pieces. We then showed Ashton how a back pack worked... Kris put on his back pack and after Ashton watched on, rather intrigued as Kris walked around the room, Ashton then proceeded to shadow him and follow him around the room. If Kris turned corner, so did Ashton. He's watching EVERYTHING on how to be a big boy already and it's SOOO CUTE!

Monday, April 4, 2011

You know you're a "Yummy Mummy" when...

You know you're a "Yummy Mummy" when you stop in the middle of your very intense power walk to have a play on the local playground with your children... AND... then proceed to sacrifice a dry bottom by going down the slide to dry it off so your children's clothes can stay dry and they won't be uncomfortable... despite the fact that they have nappies on and wouldn't feel it, and you're the one who is going to continue on walking out in public! Bahahahah! Oh well, we had lots of fun and I can feel my mummy muscles building up confidence to come out and show their lovely toned selves to the world more and more each walk I take! ha ha.
Us before we conquer the most mammouth hill ever! Who's grand idea was that Jess?
Jess taking one for the team and doing the first dry off.
Mel working the angles to try and get the left hand side of the slide dry!
Ashton and I enjoying a dry slide!
I Love how not one of them children is looking at the camera! hahaha