
Monday, July 11, 2011

Car Crazy!!!

The fact that Ashton is crazy over cars right now is providing me many learning and teaching moments!!! Because of cars Ashton is learning colours, and numbers, how to categorize, spacial awareness of size length, he is painting (which he intends to avoid like the plague), he is getting really good at doing sound effects and making the cars have conversations (all part of language development) and learning how to play by himself (independence and use of imagination). An interest can be a powerful tool for learning if channeled properly!

Just today, these were some of the things we did while playing with his cars... most of them he did on his own, I was just the big person who put words and concepts to his learning so he could in time learn and articulate what it actually is he has naturally discovered.

Exploring space... what cars can fit underneath this other car!

The beginning of the sorting... he always lines his cars up, but he's just started to do it in colours.

I showed him some different ways he could sort the cars out into colours. He also has his own ideas for sorting. . . he always has to have the three cars that look the same together, and the two animal cars together as well.

Once all of the cars are out of the basket and sorted, he likes to sit in the basket to play with the cars. Funny boy!

This is later on in the evening during dinner prep time... gives a whole new meaning to drive in movies!!! ha ha.

Each time Ashton comes back to playing with his cars he starts talking about the concepts he has learned more and more. This will in turn make his play more meaningful and will naturally progress it and encourage him to learn new things. I know this seems like I'm going on and on about something so insignificant, but I'm just so blown away by how much Ashton is learning through simply playing with his cars!

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