
Thursday, October 27, 2011

I live in my dairy

So, I have been a little inconsistent in my blogging efforts of late... such is the life when juggling being a mum and a Polkadot... not to mention all of the other balls I have up in the air as well currently! Sometimes you just have to say, "You know what... I just can't do that. There just isn't any time left!" And let me tell you, I find this sentence VERY HARD TO SAY!!! I pride myself on being organised and making sure I have enough time in a day to do all that I need to.

I LIVE IN MY DIARY! It is my life! If something somehow doesn't end up in there, chances are I will forget it. And just to give you an idea of what my life is like currently, I have popped in a screen shot of this past month from my google calendar. (Blue is Polkadots appointments, pink is home life, yellow is church, and there is a few extra colours added in to make it look pretty! ;o)

Then there is all of the stuff that you can't really put into a calendar that also fills up your time.... managing our Polkadots Blog, writing my own blog, organising the Junior Explorer classes, preparing my nursery lessons, keeping my house organised, book club, library adventures, being a mum, being a wife, being a sister, being a friend, making my photo year books!

All of these things whether they are on the calendar or not... I LOVE to have in my life. I keep trying to figure out how or what I would drop to make life less... busy... but I can't. I can't imagine life without any of these elements. So, instead of letting it stress me out, or overwhelm me, I enjoy each thing as it happens and just trust that I will have enough time, and energy to do it all. And if I happen to not have time to do something one day, I'll find time to do it the next day. And if I stop loving something, I'll re-evaluate. But I chose to have these things in my life, so I LOVE it, crazy and all! I've decided that stress isn't worth the trouble it causes... it just stops me from being able to think straight and slows me down. ;o) Bring on NOVEMBER! ha ha.

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