
Friday, February 4, 2011

Dancing Dishes

So, I have just been back through my photos from this year and I have soooo much that I want to Blog about... I'm having a real dilema as to whether I should backlog or whether to just start from here??? Thoughts (from the one person that reads my blog) baahahah!

Anyways, I thought I would share with you my Dancing Dishes fun! I HATE doing the dishes and I kept saying to myself, "If only I could come up with a way to make it fun!" Well, I think I have.

Ashton hates it when I'm in the kitchen doing anything, unless I'm giving him food! So, one day when the dishes were seriously out of control and I just needed to get them done, I asked Ashton if he would like to help me... I turned on some music for background noise and wahla! Dancing Dishes was born! We had soooooo much fun, dancing at the sink, singing along and making a royal mess!

Now, we love doing this so much that we have decided to make this a regular activity in our household and I have told Ashton that if we are really good at keeping the dishes done, each month we will buy a new song from iTunes to go in our Dancing Dishes playlist.

I'm hoping this will be something we continue to enjoy doing together and can slowly help us build our music collection! Whop Whop!


  1. I want to know who took the first picture on this post?? Because I can see both of your hands! Such a great idea Carly! You can never train them up too early!

  2. Next month you will probably have him mowing the lawns!!!

  3. Oh! And how could I forgot your question for ME! I think you should blog about alllll the things you have missed!! I want to know your adventures!!

  4. LOL! You are such a crack up Mel! and I love you for it!!! I think I can't help myself but go back and cover all of things I have missed, its just the geek in me is to strong to ignore! Even if you weren't interested in reading about them I would have to do it for my own sake! ha ha.
    P.S - Just because you are the only one who reads my blog don't feel you have to comment on every entry I make! bahahaha!
    Thanks for taking the time to read though!

  5. P.S - Mum took one of the photos when she came over one day while we were in the middle of our dancing dishes session! Although I have sussed out some pretty good self timer places in my house! bahahaha!
