
Friday, May 20, 2011

Cuzzie Sleepover

Ever since we moved into our house all of the girls (Ashton's cousins) have talked about having a sleepover with us. So, finally Ashton and I set the date, made the invitations, delivered them personally, and soon the girls were arriving at the front door!

We decided to make home made pizzas for dinner and it was lots of fun watching Kris try to contain all of the ingredients to stay on the pizzas! Needless to say it didn't work. . . there was cheese EVERYWHERE by the time we were done. But the children all had a blast creating their own gourmet pizza's.
Spread the tomato paste on the pita bread.
Sprinkle with cheese and scatter your favourite toppings.
And wahlah! its ready to go in the oven!
While we waited for our pizzas to cook, it was story time!
Look! Just like a bought one!
Dinner Time!!!
After dinner was consumed it was back to play time, and seeing it was getting close to bed time, it was time for all of the babies to go to sleep. I had to wrap and rewrap all of the babies for each of them. . . Then it was American Idol time!
It was a ton of fun having the girls over and Ashton thought it was so exciting to wake up to all of his cousins in his lounge. . . the only problem with that is that he woke up at 4am and couldn't contain himself much and started shouting "Oooohh, Kiki (Anika). Oooooh Delta, Ooooh Cookie (Brookie) Ooooh Ellie!" He just wanted to play straight away!

1 comment:

  1. That photo of them with the babies is the CUTEST! Looked like fun, hopefully soon Laela Ashton and Gracie will be ready for a sleepover! I can't wait I am so excited!
