
Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Cooking Craziness!

Ashton has really been enjoying playing with play dough lately, so we thought it would be nice to do some baking and put the skills he has been learning through the play dough play into practice. We have now had two different play dates (one with Darcy, Isaac and Jane and one with Laela, Gracie and Jess) where we have given the baking of sugar cookies a go. . . and much to our delight they have turned out really well! The mixes we have picked make enough to feed an army. . . but they are very tast none the less!

Ashton's confidence in handling the ingredients... and taste testing the ingredients is getting better and better each time we cook, and his attention span is getting there too! ;o) Its lots of fun doing with friends around cause it makes 10x more mess and its such a good laugh watching the children all get into it in their own little way.

Playdate #1
(Isaac, Darcy and Ashton)
The part I love the most! THE MESS!!!
(to me mess shows that you really got into something! "got your hands dirty")
I know there is a time and a place for mess... this is one that I was happy to have a mess!
And look... we cleaned up soo well after ourselves! Another fun part of making a mess!
Playdate #2
Gracie, Laela and Ashton!
Sorry for the abundance of photos... they were all just tooo cute to chose from!

1 comment:

  1. Looked like so much fun, my kids just love baking too. love your blog.
