
Friday, September 9, 2011

Parsley Rabbits Book About Books

Children love to write their own stories, and its a great way to get their imaginations flowing. 
So when I found this book on our trip to the library, I was very excited to do a little book review on it. 

Story Summary:
  • As Parsley Rabbit takes the reader on a little trip through the book, he tells "You" the reader what each part of the book is for and how it is important to the story. 
  • Parsley also explains why books are so wonderful and how you can use them in different ways, how you can share them, where you can read them, and even how there are different types of books for different purposes.
  • The Author & Illustrator have done this really well. . .  not using too much text, but using the illustrations to really get the main teaching points across!

Likes and Loves:
  • Like that Parsley engages the reader throughout the story by telling them to do things and asking them questions.
  • Love the illustrations! The are so endearing and cute!

Teaching Moments:
  • Little did I know that this book would come in very handy in helping me to break down the various elements of a book, to my niece Anika, when she wanted to write her own story. After reading this, I was able to remember the key points that she should incorporate into her story. Unfortunately, I didn't have the book with me at the time. Otherwise we would have been able to go through each little element with her and decide how she wanted to make it her own! She ended up writing a very cute little story about "The Fancy Little Mouse" who loved to get dressed up in beautiful things. 
  • I LOVE HOW CHILDREN THINK! We have to make sure we capture it! 

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