
Monday, August 29, 2011

Strategies for Feeding Picky Eaters

I have really been getting into finding articles on the net lately! You win some and you loose some, but on a whole I have been finding some really worth while stuff. . . and its all free information right at your finger tips. So, I have decided that every Monday I am going to blog about a different article I have found that helps me be a better mum! Its going to be my "Mummy Monday!"

To get the ball rolling, my article for today is about Strategies for Feeding Picky Eaters! (Follow this link to read the full article). iMOM is the website where I found this article, and it is a really good little resource. There is heaps of great articles and other parenting helps on there. But this article really appealed to me because. . . wait for it. . . I have a picky eater! I am also finding so many of my friends, who have children of the same age, are dealing with similar issues right now. This, at least, helps me feel and know that I'm not the only one.

This article is really simple and straight to the point. It just acted as a good reminder to me of the simple little things I should be doing in encouraging Ashton to eat better. Sometimes, when you are caught up in the moment of trying to get the to eat, or just in the flurry of every day life, you just do whats easier. . . but in doing this, we really make a rod for our own back! I'm tempted to print this off and put it in my fridge so that hubby and I are both on the same page in our efforts, and as a constant reminder to myself!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for that link Carly. You are definitely not the only one with a picky eater... both mine are and most of my friends kids are too:) Flynn will now eat his dinner with encouragement but chase still has just a few mouthfuls and then is done, but I learnt from Flynn not to stress too much about it, he'll eventually get there! I love to make lasagne because Chase loves it and I mouli up as many veges as I can and hide them in the sauce;) He does love his fruit though, so I make sure he gets plenty during the day, and if I'm feeling particularly guilty about his nutrition I buy some V8 juice which he loves. Goodluck!
