
Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Funny Moment: Mummies Lollies!

Ok, since I know only women read my blog, I just have to share this very funny moment!
Ashton loves going into any cupboard or drawer that he can. The other day he went into the lounge where Kris was watching TV ( I was down in our room) and I could hear Ashton saying "Lollie!" over and over. Then I hear Kris crack up laughing and says, "That's not a lollie, that's mummies!" Ashton had found my monthly supplies and assumed they were lollies! Kris thought it was rather hilarious.

Well, a week later I hear Ashton going through the bathroom cupboard again! (Let me just say, everything that is in the bathroom cupboard is safe for him to be with.) Anyways, he again has found my monthly supplies and walks out to me and says, "Ook, Mummies lollies!"

Today, he found them again, but this time curiosity got the better of him and he just had to open one and see what "Mummies Lollies" tasted like! Oh my! He obviously didn't like them cause he then walks up to me in the kitchen and shaking his head says, "mmm, mummy uck lollies!"

Oh the joys of curious and exploring children! They are now moved permanently from that cupboard, although I think he's probably lost interest in them now! bahahahah!

1 comment:

  1. HILARIOUS!!! 'Mummy uck lollies' aaaaaahahahahahahah Gracie plays with mine too, the 'U' brand have really bright coloured packets LOL she loves them! I let her play with them cos it's better than her being in the bathroom with me and shoving stuff in the toilet, but I have found them around the house! Lucky nobody has seen!
